My answer would be..
aren't they cute? happy meerkats, as alwayss :)
berdiri tegakk. *sedang membayangkan mereka berkata 'nahnu jundullah!' (kami lah tentera2 Allah!) :D
They may not be as faithful as a dog,
neither as cuddly as a panda,
nor as adorable as a cat,
what's more as cute as a hamster..
but they are cute in their own way.
when i see them (in the zoo,once), i said to myself,
"they are so cute in their own way. they may not be as special or famous as other pets are, but their moves are just unique and have their own attractions that Allah have made to them"
"my-teeth-gums-never-get-dried" (baca: tidak kering gusi..huhu) seeing them.
and now, seeing their pictures and videos again, made me wondered a while..
"i wanna be like the meerkats. standing up straight as though they're always ready to be called for any 'mission'. i want my senses to be as sensitive as theirs towards the hak and batil of the surroundings. i want my heart to be as sensitive as their ears towards His ayat (alquran)"
and then, pondered a while..
"i want this and i want that...but how much have i done. n.o.t.m.u.c.h"
being a little caliph of Allah is not easy.
but yet, it's worth the effort
Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mukmin, diri dan harta mereka dengan memberikan surga untuk mereka. Mereka berperang pada jalan Allah; lalu mereka membunuh atau terbunuh. (Itu telah menjadi) janji yang benar dari Allah di dalam Taurat, Injil dan Aquran. Dan siapakah yang lebih menepati janjinya (selain) daripada Allah? Maka bergembiralah dengan jual beli yang telah kamu lakukan itu, dan itulah kemenangan yang besar
(al-Taubah [9]: 111).
okayy..panjangnya melalut.
meerkat are just adorable..!
and us..?
hope so, in the eyes of Allah.
kucing pun adorable jugak..huhu
i want chipmunk T_T
hehe..tak takut ke?
pelik laaa binatang nii..!
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